
Flutter is an open-source UI development language created by Google. It can be used to make applications for Android, IOS, Windows, etc. It was released in May 2017. It is written with the help of Dart.

Flutter helps in making a very nice UI and is easy to understand. It is Fast, productive, and flexible. Code changes are updated almost instantly. There is extensive Documentation. Flutter can be monetized easily by integrating Google AdMob and Ad Manager ads, Integrating in-app purchases, setting up payments, etc. Flutter can also be used to make mobile games. There are multiple ways to learn Flutter, like codelabs, Youtube Videos, details docs, etc. Flutter can be learned even if you don’t have any coding experience. the Dart language is similar to C and C++ but in my opinion, is easier to understand and intuitive especially if you know another programming language.

Animations, external assets, layouts, forms and validations, firebase, APIs, and plug-ins additional libraries like Redux, all can be implemented in Flutter. The apps can also be deployed and released. code labs are interactive examples to learn flutter concepts. the official website of Flutter and dart are the most useful resources to learn Flutter. I personally just went headfirst into Flutter and followed a tutorial video for a beginner project on YouTube.

The Official Website is Flutter .there is an easy to follow guide to install flutter and dart and there are multiple videos on YouTube on how to do the same.You also need to download Android studio to make an emulator to use while making the UI app. I used an emulator of pixel 3a to develop my app. The apps can also be viewed on a physical device as well. Instructions related to that are on the official website. This concludes this Article.